차량 컨트롤러는 전체 차량의 제어 센터를 담당하는 VCU(차량 제어 장치)라고 하며, 자동차 등급의 NXP를 채택하고 있습니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:
1. 차량 운전 의도 판단;
2. 드라이브 토크 분배 및 에너지 소비 관리;
3. 차량 전원 켜기 및 끄기의 로직 제어;
4. 신호 수집 및 차량 액세서리 제어;
5. CAN의 통신 전송 및 진단 모니터링;
6. 차량 고장 진단 관리;
7. 차량 안전 관리.

제품 이점

  • The program is modularized to differentiate control and strong expandability to meet the needs of different users.
  • The whole vehicle software adopts real-time control with sampling interval time of 1ms, and adopts reasonable underlying driver writing to reduce ineffective sampling and processing, which provides more accurate support for the upper layer application programs such as driver’s intention judgment, strategy analysis, and so on.
  • Active damping control technology, used to eliminate torque pulsations caused by sudden torque changes, the VCU simulates the damping effect by dynamically adjusting the rate of torque rise and fall under the premise of satisfying dynamics and acceleration, thus suppressing vehicle judder.
  • The self-developed control algorithm, with the optimal energy consumption of the motor as the control objective, dynamics and stability as the constraints, obtains the requested torque of the motor, and can independently search for the optimal point of efficiency during the operation of the drive system.